Taken during wet weatherpictures, as rainwater is reflective, bright image scene hazy distance, the picture jvc gr-d370u charger of the scene, the tone has caused bias, do not have a flavor. Sorry, no map, butskillis very good, we study a
Shootrain scenes, we should note the following:
1. Rain of light has changed dramatically, and sometimes the rain scene brightness is high, while the dark clouds jvc gz-mg20u charger and torrential rains of low intensity between the twoexposureamount can vary many times. so when shooting, it is best to use light meter metering .
2. Rainy days shooting, and often there will be exposure above normal phenomenon, and overexposure to the Rain King is a very bad performance. Because of the small rainy scene contrast, exposure, contrast will over smaller picture looks gray one. Therefore, more commonly used to reduce jvc bn-vf823u charger exposure, extended development approach, to improve the contrast of the situation. can reduce the normal exposure of a block to a block and a half a block each reduced, the increase of 20% -30% of development time, this will help on improving the screen contrast.
3. Shoot rain scenes, do not the sky as the background, but shouldchoosea dark background, so as to set off out into the bright rain. If there is water in the screen, whether it is river and lake water, or water on the streets, rain a fall on the water splashes in waves, but also help the performance of the rain scene.
4. Rain fell on the ground will not be vertical, generally 45 to select the rain? Direction as appropriate. To use the shutter speed is not too high, because the speed would rain Ning Zhu, forming jvc bn-vf808u battery a small point, but no rain feeling. If you are using slow shutter speeds when the rain would pull strips, the effect is not good. generally use 1 / 30 seconds to 1 / 60 second speed is good, then the shutter speed is not high, can stress water landing dynamic.
5. Shoot rain scenes, we should pay attention to thelensand between the rain to pull away. raindrops away from the camera too close when a small drop of rain will cover the distance of the scene. Of course, sometimes in need of such intention special effects. Note thatthe cameradoes not rain, nor rain splash to make the lens. the general umbrella cover or the camera can be installed in plastic bags, exposed parts of the lens and viewfinder.
6. In the interior, such as to the performance of an outdoor shower scene through the window when the window can be coated with a thin outside layer of oil. So easy to hang on the glass drops, rendering the atmosphere of the rain.
7. Rain scenes shot with color film, due to the high color temperature light rainy days, the use of solar films, photographs will be apparent partial blue color. This color cast can be no correction, because the blue tone can render the feeling of cold rain.
8. Beat the rain the night, because the light reflection and the reflection of the ground surface, will make the picture looked very lively. In particular, the use of color film when shooting color effects rainy night richer than the average night.